16 – Suspended Sediment Yield Analysis


In the previous chapters, we have briefly introduced applications of copulas to analyses of rainfall, streamflow, drought, water quality, and compound extremes, as well as network design. In this chapter, we will introduce suspended sediment transport. Two case studies will be discussed to (i) apply copulas to construct the discharge-sediment rating curve using the Yellow River dataset; and (ii) investigate the dependence among precipitation, discharge, and sediment yield using the event-based dataset retrieved from the flume #3 at Santa Rita experimental watershed.

16 Suspended Sediment Yield Analysis

16.1 Discharge-Sediment Rating Curve Construction

In this section, application of copulas will be illustrated for modeling suspended sediment transport in regard to discharge-sediment rating curve by:

  1. i. Identifying the study region and collecting discharge and suspended sediment data

  2. ii. Applying the mixed copula that may reasonably capture the upper, lower, and overall dependence to model the discharge-suspended sediment data

  3. iii. Comparing the performance of the copula approach to the classic USGS discharge-suspended sediment rating equations

  4. iv. Interpreting the results according to the underlying surface and channel characteristics

The Yellow River, the most famous sediment-rich river system in the world, is used here as a case study for discharge-sediment rating curves. More specifically, sediment transport is studied for the middle reach of the Yellow River basin. The middle reach is the major sediment source area supplying 90% of the total sediment yield and 38% of the total water resources of the middle Yellow River (MYR) basin. Geologywise, the underlying surface materials change dramatically from north to south, varying from soft rock (i.e., Pisha Rock by locals), sand, loess, to rock mountains (Li and Li, 1994; Wang et al., 2007; Ni et al., 2008) with the median particle size decreasing from north (0.088 mm) to south (0.018 mm). To evaluate the study, we choose four representative stations for each geologically identified unique underlying surface: (1) typical loess – SuiDe, (2) soft-rock sand – Wangdaohengta, (3) rock mountain – Liujiahe, and (4) sand – Gaojiabao. Throughout the case study, we will apply both the classic USGS rating equation and copulas and also compare their performance. To prepare the dataset, the discharge values less than average discharge will be dropped out of the dataset, since we are more concerned with the large amount of suspended sediment transported during runoff events.

The discharge-sediment rating curve has been commonly applied to forecast suspended sediment yield or concentration. The classic USGS sediment rating curve (i.e., Equation (16.1)) through either power function or log-linear function has been commonly applied to achieve this end:

SSL = aQb  or   ln (SSL) = a + b ln (Q) : a =  ln (a)

In the previous chapters, we have discussed different types of copulas as well as their applications. In this section, we will apply mixed copula. Let U and V represent the marginals of discharge and suspended sediment, respectively; then we can write the mixed copula as follows:

C(uvθ) = w1C1(uvθ1) + w2C2(uvθ2) + w3C3(uvθ3);  ∃ w1 + w2 + w3 = 1

Commonly, copulas chosen are the copula with λL≠0λL≠0, the meta-Gaussian copula, and the copula with λU≠0λU≠0. Here we will choose the survival Gumbel–Hougaard copula, Gumbel–Hougaard copula, and Gaussian copula as the mixture. The survival Gumbel–Hougaard copula mirrors the Gumbel–Hougaard copula. As a result, the survival Gumbel–Hougaard copula has the lower-tail dependence. With the preceding mixture, Equation (16.2) may be rewritten as follows:


In Equation (16.3), the survival Gumbel–Hougaard copula (CSGH) can be expressed as follows:


Again, denoting cc as the copula density, the copula density of CSGH can be given as follows:


The lower- and upper-tail dependence coefficient is given for the survival Gumbel–Hougaard and Gumbel–Hougaard copula as follows:


Substituting Equation (16.3a) into Equation (16.3), the density function for the mixture copula can be given as follows:

cmix(uvθ) = w1cGH(uvθ1) + w2cGaussian(uvθ2) + w3cGH(1 − u, 1 − v)

Similar to the discussions in other application chapters, to predict the suspended sediment, one needs to estimate the expected suspended discharge with E(SSLQ = q)ESSLQ=q from

P(SSL ≤ sslQ = q) = 0.5

Equation (16.5) may be also called as the median forecast. Applying the copula theory, Equation (16.5) may be rewritten as follows:

P(SSL ≤ sslQ = q) = P(FSSL ≤ FSSL(ssl)| FQ = FQ(q)) = 0.5

In Equation (16.5a), P(FSSL ≤ FSSL(ssl)| FQ = FQ(q))P(FSSL≤FSSLssl|FQ=FQq) can be written through copula as follows:


Let hFSSLFQθ=∂CFSSLFQθ∂FQFQ=FQq; we will have the following:

FSSL = h−1(0.5, FQ(q), θ)

The 90% bound may be written through VaR(5%) (i.e., lower bound) and VaR(95%) (i.e., upper bound) as follows:


With the computed FSSL,FSSL5%,FSSL95%, we usually compute the corresponding value in the real domain with the fitted parametric marginal distributions. In this case, we will use the kernel density function (with a normal kernel) with the positive support to estimate the projected sediment yield. Application of the kernel density function for prediction avoids the possible ill-identification of the marginal distributions due to the very high skewness. From the sample statistics listed in Table 16.1, it is seen that sediment yield is heavily skewed and tailed.

Table 16.1. Sample statistics of sediment yield for four selected stations.

Station Mean (kg/s) Standard deviation (kg/s) Skewness Kurtosis
Suide 11.262.25 32.037.33 7.54 86.83
Gaojiabao 1.273.16 7.481.30 12.24 185.30
Wangdaoheng 6.260.81 29.372.95 7.46 62.33
LiujiaHe 11.698.75 46.025.54 9.28 115.36

Parameters of the mixture copula are estimated with the pseudo-MLE. The Weibull plotting-position formula is applied to compute the empirical marginals. In the case of model parsimony, the copula will be dropped out of the mixture if its corresponding weight is less than 0.1. For example, if the weights for both the Gaussian (w2)w2) and survival Gumbel–Hougaard copula (w3)w3) are less than 0.1, the mixture copula will be reduced to the Gumbel–Hougaard copula. With this procedure and the maximum likelihood applied to pseudo-observations (i.e., the empirical marginal of discharge and suspended sediment), Table 16.2 lists the estimated parameters of four stations from both copula approach as well as the USGS log-linear regression equations. The results of copula approach in Table 16.2 indicate that the Gumbel–Hougaard copula is the only copula needed based on the model selection procedure (i.e., only consider the copulas with the weight higher than 10% in the mixture). This is quite understandable due to the procedure of data processing: (1) omit the [discharge, sediment] pair when the discharge is lower than the average discharge; and (2) omit the [discharge, sediment] when the sediment yield is less than 0.5% of the average sediment yield.

Table 16.2. Parameters estimated for the discharge-sediment rating curve from the copula.

Underlying Geographic characteristics Copula USGS
Surface Station Area (km2) Slope Gaussian GH SGH [ab]a∗b
Loess Suide 3893 22.99a 3.071 [1.388, 2.254]
Sand Gaojiabao 2095 0.74 1.863 [–2.373, 2.822]
Soft-rock Wangdaohengta 3390 0.29 2.955 [–0.023, 2.134]
Rock mountain Liujiahe 2361 44.25a 2.544 [–0.629, 2.595]

Note: a The percentage of the slope steeper than 1.5%.

To visually compare the copula approach with the USGS equation, Figure 16.1 compares the fitted copula function and USGS equation (in Figure 16.1A) as well as their forecast power (in Figure 16.1B). The forecast results (Figure 16.1B) are listed in Table 16.3.

Table 16.3. Comparison of forecast power of copula and USGS approaches.

Q (cms)a SSY(kg/s)a,b Copulac USGSc Q (cms) SSY(kg/s) Copula USGS
Suide station Liujiahe station
97.7 86,073.7 76,957.20 122,621.87 128 110,976 89,958.95 156,852.25
127 87,249 112,057.81 221,483.23 184 114,632 131,095.07 402,279.65
104 92,040 84,049.35 141,170.48 196 13,1908 138,174.95 473,956.12
138 96,462 125,758.45 267,092.44 147 133,182 106,072.00 224,639.69
113 101,022 94,727.58 170,214.45 210 144,060 145,989.60 566,893.19
164 103,812 158,278.90 394,136.30 192 158,976 135,863.41 449,260.01
164 103,812 158,278.90 394,136.30 326 167,890 269,808.11 1774,991.57
164 104,960 158,278.90 394,136.30 254 182,626 176,613.58 928,772.23
115 109,020 971,64.83 177,081.01 297 184,140 229,288.33 1,393,760.25
169 111,033 164,714.59 421,742.65 241 185,811 165,330.82 810,388.83
138 112,056 125,758.45 267,092.44 275 209,000 200,007.38 1,141,415.85
176 121,968 173,833.17 462,146.64 282 210,090 208,958.40 1,218,358.53
158 124,346 150,666.33 362,375.14 279 210,924 205,069.38 1,185,005.20
158 124,346 150,666.33 362,375.14 264 215,952 187,018.04 1,026,674.31
178 139,018 176,451.53 474,069.33 252 221,004 174,722.80 909,911.49
198 146,916 202,558.00 602,680.75 322 224,112 264,266.82 1,719,020.60
204 147,900 210,140.26 644,633.46 407 231,990 385,953.85 3,157,341.74
204 157,896 210,140.26 644,633.46 272 236,096 196,331.14 1,109,380.45
231 200,046 241,611.05 853,096.43 343 242,158 293,295.70 2,025,308.37
251 213,099 262,330.06 1,028,698.61 438 244,842 433,235.20 3,819,957.26
309 224,952 328,976.59 1,643,641.81 375 304,125 338,053.86 2,552,848.84
Gaojiabao Station Wangdaohengta Station
23.9 13,503.5 6,01.10 723.16 51.1 3,980.69 3,729.80 4,313.90
36.1 14,692.7 2,573.53 2315.61 36.5 4,526 2,102.76 2,104.27
42.3 15,397.2 3,527.72 3621.66 43.1 4,870.3 2,825.67 2,999.91
53.5 15,408 4,535.20 7027.18 30.5 5,215.5 1,503.63 1,434.50
38.3 16,200.9 2,973.66 2736.31 66 6,217.2 5,577.68 7,446.53
57.9 18,296.4 5,916.65 8783.01 31.9 7,081.8 1,636.34 1,578.65
60.3 18,873.9 7,124.40 9849.59 120 7,992 22,696.57 2,6662.30
51.5 19,415.5 4,171.17 6310.86 84.8 11,108.8 9,176.62 12,711.38
51.6 20,691.6 4,185.74 6345.50 50.4 11,491.2 3,650.05 4,188.80
54.1 22,289.2 4,674.29 7251.86 51 11,985 3,718.39 4,295.91
70.3 22,917.8 11,992.07 15186.77 138 12,806.4 32,135.92 35,925.11
72.9 23,182.2 14,130.16 16825.71 97.4 19,967 13,019.05 17,082.53
88.4 24,663.6 21,679.14 28989.32 74.4 25,072.8 6,926.16 9,615.22
57.9 25,012.8 5,916.65 8783.01 87.6 25,579.2 9,919.53 13,623.63
52.9 26,502.9 4,409.92 6807.06 182 27,482 59,230.34 64,838.33
59.4 29,581.2 6,633.95 9440.36 146 28,032 36,673.52 40,514.79
73 34,310 14,219.50 16890.92 121 29,403 23,187.85 27,138.58
70.8 40,780.8 12,360.18 15493.56 134 36,448 29,939.41 33,739.90
89.7 423,38.4 22,507.14 30208.52 174 45,240 53,886.25 58,908.88
98.5 46,886 30,084.53 39338.98 89.6 57,881.6 10,489.26 14,295.85
108 50,220 37,758.66 51011.10 122 63,440 23,683.93 27,619.34

Notes: a Observed; b: SSY stands for suspended sediment yield; c forecast from discharge (Q) in column 1.

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