Similar to the Archimedean copulas, the non-Archimedean copulas can be classified as one-parameter non-Archimedean bivariate copulas, two-parameter non-Archimedean bivariate copulas, and multivariate (d ≥ 3)d≥3) non-Archimedean copulas. In recent years, successful applications of non-Archimedean copulas, such as meta-elliptical copulas and Plackett copulas, have been reported in hydrology and water resources management. In this chapter, we will focus on Plackett copulas and more specifically bivariate and trivariate Plackett copula.
6.1 Bivariate Plackett Copula
In this section, we will introduce the definition, parameter estimation, as well as the random variate simulation with the use of bivariate Plackett copulas.
6.1.1 Definition of Bivariate Plackett Copula
As discussed in Chapter 3, the Plackett copula is constructed using the algebraic method. The cross-product ratio θθ, or odds ratio, is a measure of “association” or “dependence” in 2 × 22×2 contingency tables. Here, we label the categories for each variable as “low” and “high” and give four categories in Table 6.1, where a, b, c, and d represent the observed counts in the four categories, respectively. From Table 6.1, the cross-product ratio (θ : θ>0)θ:θ>0) is defined as θ=adbc. Following Palaro and Hotta (2006), the dependence may be explained through θθ as follows:
1. 0 < θ < 10<θ<1 corresponds to negative dependence, i.e., observations are more concentrated in the “low-high” and “high-low” cells.
2. θ = 1θ=1 corresponds to independence, each “observed” entry; for example, a is equal to its “expected value” under independence [i.e.,a+ba+ca+b+c+d]
3. θ>1θ>1 corresponds to positive dependence, i.e., observations are more concentrated in the “low-low” and “high-high” cells.
Table 6.1. Two-by-two contingency table.
Column variable | ||||
Row variable | Low (X ≤ xX≤x) | High (X>xX>x) | ||
Low (Y ≤ y)Y≤y) | a | b | a+b | |
High (Y>y)Y>y) | c | d | c+d | |
a+c | b+d | a+b+c+d |
With the use of the 2 × 22×2 contingency table, Plackett (1965) developed what is now called the Plackett copula for bivariate continuous random variables. Assuming the continuous random variables X and Y with marginals FX and FYFXandFY and the joint distribution function H(x, y) = P(X ≤ x, Y ≤ y)Hxy=PX≤xY≤y, then the “low” and “high” categories for the column and row variables are replaced by events X ≤ x, X>xX≤x,X>x and Y ≤ y, Y>yY≤y,Y>y, respectively. According to the definition of cross-product ratio θ=adbc, it is clear that a, b, c, and d denote the probabilities of P(X ≤ x, Y ≤ y), P(X>x, Y ≤ y), P(X ≤ x, Y>y),PX≤xY≤y,PX>xY≤y,PX≤xY>y, and P(X>x, Y>y)PX>xY>y, respectively.
Now, based on the bivariate probability relation discussed in Chapter 3, we have the following:
Replacing the values of a, b, c, and d, we obtain the expression of parameter θ as follows:

Let u = FX(x)u=FXx and v = FY(y)v=FYy. Equation (6.1e) may be written in the copula form by applying Sklar’s theorem as follows:

Solving for C in Equation (6.2), we obtain the Plackett copula:

Taking the partial derivatives with respect to u and v, its copula density function can be written as follows:

Taking the partial derivative of equation (6.3a) with respect to u or v, the conditional probability distributions can be obtained as follows:

Example 6.1 Graph the Plackett copula function and its density function with θ = 20, θ = 1, and θ = 0.5θ=20,θ=1,andθ=0.5.
Solution: Using Equations (6.3) and (6.4), we can graph the Plackett copula function and its density function in Figure 6.1 using u, v ∈ [0, 1]u,v∈01. From the copula density function plots with different parameters in Figure 6.1, it is seen that (i) the density is higher if both u and v take on smaller or bigger values at the same time for θ = 20θ=20, i.e., high follows high and low follows low as the representation of positive dependence; (ii) the density is constant, i.e., 1, if θ = 1θ=1 for the independent random variables; and (iii) the negative dependence is observed from the density function plot for θ = 0.5θ=0.5, in this case, smaller u and bigger v reach higher density and vice versa.
Figure 6.1 Plackett copula function and its density function plot for θ = 20, θ = 1 and θ = 0.5θ=20,θ=1andθ=0.5.
6.1.2 Simulation of Bivariate Plackett Copula
Following the Rosenblatt transform (Rosenblatt, 1952), the random variable can be simulated as follows:
1. Simulate two independent random variables (w1, w2)w1w2 from the uniform distribution U(0, 1)U01.
2. Set u = w1u=w1.
3. Using Equation (6.5a) and set w2 = C(v| u)w2=Cvu, i.e.,
After some algebraic manipulation of Equation (6.7), vv can be solved as follows:

Example 6.2 Generate the random variables from the Plackett copula function.
To generate the variables, use the following information:
1. Simulate Plackett random variables from the uniformly distributed independent random variables w1 = 0.1645w1=0.1645, w2 = 0.9629w2=0.9629, and θ = 50θ=50.
2. Given θ = 50θ=50, θ = 2.5θ=2.5, and θ = 0.1θ=0.1, graph the the random variables generated from the Plackett copula with a sample size of 100.
Solution: We can use the procedure discussed in Section 6.1.2 to generate the random variables from Plackett copula:
1. w1 = 0.1645w1=0.1645, w2 = 0.9629w2=0.9629, and θ = 50θ=50.
Set u = w1 = 0.1645u=w1=0.1645. We may then compute the random variate vv using w2 = C(v| U = u; θ)w2=CvU=uθ.
Solving Equation (6.8), we have the following:
Then we have the following:
S = 0.0357; b = 135.7723; c = 75.8700; d = 69.6972S=0.0357;b=135.7723;c=75.8700;d=69.6972.
Thus, the generated random variables are (u, v) = (0.1645, 0.5170)uv=0.16450.5170.
2. Set θ = 50θ=50, θ = 2.5θ=2.5 and θ = 0.1θ=0.1 with a sample size of 100.
Using the same procedure as in step 1, we graph the simulated random variables with a sample size of 100 in Figure 6.2. Again, Figure 6.2 clearly shows that (i) the random variables generated are positively dependent with θ = 50θ=50; (ii) the random variables generated are negatively dependent with θ = 0.1θ=0.1; and (iii) the random variables generated are more scattered within [0, 1]2 that are near independent when θ = 2.5θ=2.5.
Figure 6.2 Scatter plot of simulated random variables from the Plackett copula.
6.1.3 Parameter Estimation for Bivariate Plackett Copulas
As discussed in Section 3.6, the full ML, IFM, and semiparametric (pseudo-ML) methods may be applied to estimate the parameter numerically for the Plackett copula function. Here, without further discussion, we will give one example to illustrate the procedure of parameter estimation.
Example 6.3 Using the random variables (Table 6.2) and assuming (a) random variables X and Y are sampled from the normal distribution and gamma distribution, respectively, and (b) the joint distribution may be modeled using Plackett copula, estimate the parameters using full ML, IFM, and semiparametric methods.
Table 6.2. Sample data for Example 6.3.
No. | X | Y | No. | X | Y |
1 | 11.276 | 5.049 | 26 | 12.793 | 12.942 |
2 | 19.570 | 12.015 | 27 | 16.772 | 4.140 |
3 | 10.864 | 3.691 | 28 | 12.215 | 4.522 |
4 | 14.517 | 9.233 | 29 | 24.909 | 7.689 |
5 | 17.512 | 6.862 | 30 | 17.580 | 12.331 |
6 | 14.312 | 5.343 | 31 | 17.200 | 7.060 |
7 | 17.785 | 12.689 | 32 | 10.621 | 5.583 |
8 | 9.457 | 8.182 | 33 | 10.310 | 19.026 |
9 | 13.290 | 8.531 | 34 | 8.957 | 3.648 |
10 | 15.470 | 31.129 | 35 | 18.735 | 7.534 |
11 | 18.392 | 20.848 | 36 | 11.536 | 7.519 |
12 | 9.411 | 8.567 | 37 | 16.264 | 10.727 |
13 | 18.883 | 15.874 | 38 | 21.382 | 21.947 |
14 | 11.749 | 12.142 | 39 | 19.153 | 11.813 |
15 | 14.173 | 10.224 | 40 | 17.355 | 7.988 |
16 | 14.044 | 6.223 | 41 | 17.877 | 12.159 |
17 | 13.032 | 7.594 | 42 | 14.799 | 9.622 |
18 | 18.374 | 14.827 | 43 | 11.457 | 11.147 |
19 | 17.979 | 14.283 | 44 | 18.601 | 14.626 |
20 | 7.656 | 4.639 | 45 | 11.636 | 4.732 |
21 | 14.642 | 10.039 | 46 | 11.427 | 6.263 |
22 | 19.871 | 16.856 | 47 | 15.067 | 11.378 |
23 | 7.769 | 17.575 | 48 | 16.328 | 14.778 |
24 | 12.870 | 7.763 | 49 | 21.471 | 29.678 |
25 | 14.119 | 6.964 | 50 | 15.327 | 9.639 |
Solution: With the assumption of X following the Gumbel distribution (Equation (2.10)) and Y following the gamma distribution (Equation (2.8)), applying MLE, we can initially estimate the parameters of random variables X and Y as follows:
Random variable X: μX = 14.9358; σX = 3.8484μX=14.9358;σX=3.8484.
Random variable Y: αY = 4.0031; βY = 0.3668αY=4.0031;βY=0.3668.
In addition, using Equation (3.72), we can compute the sample Kendall correlation coefficient as τn = 0.3690τn=0.3690.
1. Full ML Method:
As discussed in Section 3.6.1, we will need to estimate the parameters of marginal distributions and copula function simultaneously with the full log-likelihood function given as follows:
Using the parameters initially estimated for marginal distributions and assuming the initial estimate of the Plackett copula parameter θ = 10θ=10, we can use optimization toolbox in MATLAB to estimate the full set of parameters. The fitted marginal distribution is listed in Table 6.3 with the estimated parameters listed in Table 6.4.
2. IFM Method:
As discussed in Section 3.6.2, the parameters of marginal distributions and copulas are estimated separately with the use of IFM method. We will first compute the cumulative probability using the parameters initially estimated for the marginal distributions listed in Table 6.3. Then we will estimate the parameter of the Plackett copula using the ML method (the optimization toolbox in MATLAB) and the computed cumulative probabilities as random variates as follows:
The estimated copula parameter is listed in Table 6.4.
3. Semiparametric Method:
As discussed in Section 3.6.3, the semiparametric method is also called the pseudo-ML method. The marginal distributions are estimated nonparametrically using the Weibull plotting-position formula (Equation (3.92)) as listed in Table 6.3. Now with the use of the probability estimated nonparametrically, the pseudo-log-likelihood function can be written as follows:
The estimated parameter is again estimated using the optimization toolbox in MATLAB and listed in Table 6.4. From Table 6.4, it is seen that there is minimal difference in regard to the parameters of the marginal distributions estimated separately from the copula using the IFM method and those estimated simultaneously using the full ML method. Figure 6.3 further indicates this similarity through the univariate probability density comparison. Figure 6.4 compares the observed variates with the simulated variates from the fitted copula function. Figure 6.4 shows that the performances are very similar for the copulas with parameters estimated using three different techniques.