A The Architect’s Fall

Interlude A

The Architect’s Fall

Santiago de Orduña




I fall

Am I Lucifer? Adam? Am I Sisyphus?

I fall and as I fall, I repeat the Universal Story of Falls

a universal love claims me

As I fall, I hold a briefcase. In it, I find a deck of cards with instructions: “The goal of this game is to return alive to the Temple of Love (you have 13 lives and 52 points). If in need, pick a card … Good luck”

I pick a card: golden wings

I suddenly have a heavy pair of wings on my back. I flap them, but to no avail.

I notice a name engraved on the briefcase:


I sink into the earth as if sinking into a dream

I land on a large rotunda surrounded by Corinthian columns. Near the center is a perfect hole inside which a Solomonic column rises projecting a black light into a motionless sun in the sky. Around the pit is the inscription:


At a distance, in opposite directions, I perceive two truncated pyramids. One has a frontal staircase covered in blood, at its top there is a terrace with two chapels, one blue, the other red, crowned by digital boards displaying the time,


the weather,


and future events,


On top of the opposite structure is a glass castle with an alabaster balcony. A beautiful, naked, woman waves a handkerchief at me …

… déjà vu …

I am thirsty and search for water, but suddenly feel a stab in the heart. I touch my chest, there is no wound. I turn towards the woman who now holds a bow. A great desire for her awakens in me. I rush towards her through tortuous passages, fallen idols, broken obelisks and walls with indecipherable inscriptions, but the broken paths always return to their origin.

I pick a card:

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