Water and Sewage

Water and Sewage

9 – Copulas in Time Series Analysis

Oct 12, 2020 by in Water and Sewage Comments Off on 9 – Copulas in Time Series Analysis

Abstract In previous chapters, we have mainly discussed copula models for bivariate/multivariate random variables. Now we ask two other questions that usually arise in hydrology and water resources engineering. Can…

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6 – Plackett Copula

Oct 12, 2020 by in Water and Sewage Comments Off on 6 – Plackett Copula

Abstract Similar to the Archimedean copulas, the non-Archimedean copulas can be classified as one-parameter non-Archimedean bivariate copulas, two-parameter non-Archimedean bivariate copulas, and multivariate (d ≥ 3)d≥3) non-Archimedean copulas. In recent years, successful…

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8 – Entropic Copulas

Oct 12, 2020 by in Water and Sewage Comments Off on 8 – Entropic Copulas

Abstract In previous chapters, we have discussed the Archimedean and non-Archimedean copula families. In this chapter, we will introduce entropic copulas. To be more specific, we will concentrate on the…

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4 – Symmetric Archimedean Copulas

Oct 12, 2020 by in Water and Sewage Comments Off on 4 – Symmetric Archimedean Copulas

Abstract Symmetric Archimedean copulas are widely applied for hydrologic analyses for the following reasons: (1) they can be easily constructed with the given generating function; (2) a large variety of…

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2 – Preliminaries

Oct 12, 2020 by in Water and Sewage Comments Off on 2 – Preliminaries

Abstract Bivariate or multivariate frequency analysis entails univariate distributions that are determined by empirical fitting to data. The fitting, in turn, requires the determination of distribution parameters and the assessment…

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1 – Introduction

Oct 12, 2020 by in Water and Sewage Comments Off on 1 – Introduction

Abstract This chapter briefly reviews the development of the copula theory and its applications in the field of water resources engineering (flood, drought, rainfall, groundwater, etc.). It points out the…

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