Hall, Student Residences, Canberra, Australia


FIG 18.0 (chapter opener) Pre-manufactured external wall modules were installed rapidly, complete with cladding and glazing, onto the cellular CLT superstructure of this large student accommodation building.

FIG 18.0 (chapter opener) Pre-manufactured external wall modules were installed rapidly, complete with cladding and glazing, onto the cellular CLT superstructure of this large student accommodation building.

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Jul 18, 2021 | Posted by in Building and Construction | Comments Off on Hall, Student Residences, Canberra, Australia
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Project name: Fenner Hall Student Residences
Location: Kambri, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Year completed: 2019
Sector/type: Student Residential
Area of building (GFA): 10,150m2
Volume of CLT used (m3): Not disclosed
Approximate total construction cost (million): AU$47
Total height of building: 30m (excluding basement)
Client: Australian National University (ANU)
Architect: BVN
Main contractor: Lendlease
Quantity surveyor: Lendlease
Timber engineer: Lendlease Design Make
CLT contractor: Lendlease Design Make