Identity and Access Management and Security on AWS


Identity and Access Management and Security on AWS

In this chapter, you will

•   Be introduced to IAM

•   Learn about different types of security credentials

•   Understand users, groups, and roles

•   Learn some IAM best practices

•   Take a look at AWS platform compliance

•   Understand the shared security model

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to control individual (users) and group access to all the AWS resources in a secured way. Using IAM, you can define what each user can access in the AWS cloud. For example, you can specify which users have administrator access, which users have read-only access, which users can access certain AWS services, and so on. Using the IAM service, you can choose the services that specific users are going to use and what kind of privileges users should have. In a nutshell, you control both authentication and authorization on the AWS resources through identity and access management, which means IAM is about whether you are really who you say you are as well as what you are authorized or allowed to do. In addition, you can audit and log the users, continuously monitor them, and review account activity.


Authentication is about making sure you are who you say you are. IAM offers the following authentication features:

•   Managing users and their access You can create and manage users and their security such as access keys, passwords, and multifactor authentication. You can also manage the permissions for a user and thus get granular control over what operations the user can perform.

•   Managing federated users and their access Using IAM, you can manage federated users. In simplest terms, federation is about checking with a trusted third party to confirm your identity. Using federation you can use single sign-on (SSO) to access the AWS resources using the credentials of your corporate directory. AWS supports Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) as well as non-SAML-based options such as AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory to exchange identity and security information between an identity provider (IdP) and an application. Using an IdP, you don’t have to manage your own user identities or create custom sign-in code. An IdP does that for you. Your external users sign in through a well-known identity provider, such as Login with Amazon, Facebook, Google, and many others, and you can give those external identities permissions to use AWS resources in your account.


IAM is about making sure you’re only able to do what you’re authorized to do. Using IAM, you can authorize with granularity who can do what. IAM is a system that first is assigned to all AWS services. Every time a service is set up, like an EC2 instance database, it is created with access rules that decide which users and what operations are allowed on it. Therefore, you can implement the concepts of least privilege and segregation of duties. In AWS, authorization is mainly done using IAM policies. An IAM policy is a piece of code written in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) where you can define one or more permissions. These permissions define which resources and which actions or operations the IAM entity is allowed. This policy can be attached to any IAM entity such as a user, group, or role. The policy defines what actions an IAM entity can take, which resources to use, what the effect will be when the user requests access to a resource, and so on. By using an IAM policy, you can get fine-grained access control for any IAM entity, and you can attach any number of policies to an entity. A policy can even be attached to multiple entities. If you want to give Amazon S3 read-only access to your developers, then you can create a policy called S3RO and attach all the developers to this policy. Alternatively, if all your developers are part of a particular group (which is typical), attach the IAM policy to that group only. By doing that, you won’t have to manually attach the policy to every developer account individually. A policy looks something like this:


If you look at the policy, you will find that by attaching this policy to a user, the user is going to have read-only access to S3, which means the user can view the bucket and get an object from the bucket but can’t upload or put anything in the bucket.

Using a policy, you can either allow or deny access to any resource for any IAM entity. When you create a user, there are no default permissions; all the permissions need to be explicitly given. In other words, all permissions are implicitly denied by default, which means unless you explicitly allow a permission, the IAM entity won’t have access to anything. Of course, if you explicitly deny something, it will always be denied. Figure 5-1 shows how IAM determines permissions.


Figure 5-1 How AWS IAM determines permissions


AWS offers you tools that can help you with auditing. Auditing is about ensuring and proving compliance with company rules and strict regulatory guidelines. It is also about making sure only authorized persons make requests and that all the requests are legitimate. The AWS CloudTrail service records activity made on your account and delivers log files to your Amazon S3 bucket. You can access these logs directly from the console or via the command-line interface (CLI) and process them via some of the popular third-party tools like Splunk, SumoLogic, AlertLogic, Loggly, and DataDog. CloudTrail provides visibility into user activity by recording actions taken on your account. CloudTrail can log every API call and related event made. CloudTrail records important information about each action, including the following:

•   Who made the request?

•   When was the request made?

•   What was the request about?

•   Which resources were acted upon in response to the request?

•   Where was the request made from and made to?

This information helps you to track changes made to your AWS resources and to troubleshoot operational issues. CloudTrail makes it easier to ensure compliance with internal policies and regulatory standards.

Types of Security Credentials

When you work with the AWS ecosystem, you can have various types of security credentials. It all depends on how you interact with the AWS ecosystem. For example, when you log in to the AWS console, you can use a combination of usernames and passwords, whereas when you log in to an Amazon EC2 environment, you use a key pair. These are the security credentials you are often going to use:

•   IAM username and password This will be used mainly for accessing the AWS Management Console.

•   E-mail address and password This is associated with your root account.

•   Access keys This is often used with the CLI, APIs, and SDKs.

•   Key pair This is used with Amazon EC2 for logging in to the servers.

•   Multifactor authentication This is an additional layer of security that can be used with the root account as well.

Temporary Security Credentials

In addition to these types of security credentials, AWS offers temporary security credentials. These security credentials are short-term and should never be used for long-term purposes. They can be configured to last for a few minutes to a few hours. Once the credentials expire, you won’t be able to use them. If you are using these temporary credentials via an API, once they expire, AWS won’t recognize the API or allow access when an API request is made with the security credentials.

The temporary security credentials work exactly like the long-term credentials; they are just short-lived. If you want to create and provide the temporary security credentials to your set of trusted users to control some of the AWS resources, you can use the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS). These temporary security credentials won’t be stored with a user; rather, they will be dynamically generated whenever a user requests them.

Temporary security credentials offer lots of advantages since they are short-lived and expire automatically; therefore, you can provide access to your AWS resources to users without having to define an AWS identity for them. Moreover, you do not have to distribute or embed long-term or permanent AWS security credentials with an application.

By using IAM, you can create users and groups and then assign permissions to the users using the least privilege principle. Let’s first understand users, groups, and roles in detail.


To log in to a laptop or an operating system, you need a username and password. Similarly, to use the AWS service, you need a user through which you log in to AWS and start working. A user can be an actual physical user, or it can be an application that needs access to the AWS service. Thus, you can say that an IAM user is an entity that you create in AWS to uniquely represent a person or a service; this entity interacts with AWS to do day-to-day work with AWS. An IAM user has a username and credentials. Whenever an IAM user is created, the user does not have any permission to do anything unless explicit permissions are granted to the user by an administrator or via federation. It is always recommended that you identify a few users as administrators and grant them admin privileges to AWS. Going forward, these administrators can grant permissions to other users via IAM. They can provide fine-grained access to each user depending on their job role. For example, if a person needs to access only the web servers, then the administrator can grant that user access to specific EC2 servers. Similarly, if a developer wants to work with a database, administrators can grant that user read-only information from RDS. When a user is created via IAM, the user doesn’t have any security credentials either. The administrator needs to assign the security credentials followed by the permissions before the user can log in to the system.

These are the steps when creating a user via IAM:

1.   Create a user via IAM.

2.   Provide security credentials.

3.   Attach permissions, roles, and responsibilities.

4.   Add the user to one or more groups (covered in the next section).

The first time you create an AWS account, you create the AWS root account, which has unrestricted access to all the resources within AWS. The root account is a superuser account, and it can be compared to a root user of UNIX, which is a superuser and has all the privileges. There is no way you can restrict any privileges from the root account; therefore, it is important to secure it. The root account also has your AWS billing information. After creating the root account, you should create an IAM user with administrative access and should never log in using the root account. In other words, you should do all your day-to-day work using the administrative account and not via the root account. Needless to say, the root credentials should not be shared with anyone and should be kept very secure. To sign in via root credentials, you have to use the e-mail ID associated with the account and a password. You can also set up multifactor authentication along with the root user to safeguard it.

Since you cannot use the root account for the day-to-day administration of your AWS account, you need to create an IAM user with administrative privileges. When you have hundreds or thousands of users who want to use the service or resources of AWS within your account, you don’t share the root privilege with them; you instead create different IAM users with different privileges according to their job profile. These IAM users are part of the same AWS account and not separate accounts. These IAM users have their individual usernames and passwords to log in to the AWS console. You can also create an individual access key for each user so that the user can make programmatic requests to work with resources in your account. If users want to make programmatic calls to AWS from the AWS CLI or SDKs or API calls for individual AWS services, they need access keys, which you can create via IAM. When you create an access key, IAM returns the access key ID and secret access key that can be passed on to the user associated with it. Please note for security reasons the access key is accessible only at the time you create it. If a secret access key is lost, you must delete the access key for the associated user and create a new key.

When you sign in as the root user, you have complete, unrestricted access to all resources in your AWS account, including access to your billing information and the ability to change your password. This level of access is necessary when you initially set up the account. As mentioned, you should not use root user credentials for everyday access or share your root user credentials with anyone because doing so gives them unrestricted access to your account. It is not possible to restrict the permissions that are granted to the AWS account, so you should adhere to the best practice of using the root user only to create your first IAM user and then securely locking away the root user credentials.


IAM groups are similar to groups in a UNIX operating system. If you are not familiar with UNIX groups, don’t worry. Say in your company there are 50 developers; every time a new developer joins, you give that person the same set of roles and responsibilities just like any other developer. Say for your organization there are 20 different roles and privileges your developer needs. So, when the developer joins the company, you provision the user using IAM and explicitly assign that person those 20 roles and privileges, and you keep on doing the same thing every time a new developer joins. However, instead of manually assigning these 20 roles and privileges every time a developer joins, you can create a group for developers and assign the 20 roles and privileges that all the developers use to this group. Now whenever a new developer joins, instead of explicitly assigning that person these roles and privileges, you can just add the user to the developer group. By doing this, the new developer will automatically inherit the 20 roles and privileges that the group has. You can create various groups as per the job specifications. For example, you can have a separate group for administrators, a separate group for DBAs, a separate group for developers, a separate group for folks from the DevOps team, and so on.

If someone is a DBA but needs developer access as well, you just need to assign this user to both the DBA and developer groups, and by doing that the person has access to both. Similarly, if a developer becomes a DBA, you can simply remove that user from the developer group and add the user to the DBA group.

These are the characteristics of IAM groups:

•   A group consists of multiple roles and privileges, and you grant these permissions using IAM.

•   Any user who is added to a group inherits the group’s roles and privileges.

•   You can add multiple users in a group.

•   A user can be part of multiple groups.

•   You can’t add one group into another group. A group can contain only users and not other groups.

•   There is no default group that automatically includes all users in the AWS account. However, you can create one and assign it to each and every user.


As you have learned, there can be two types of AWS users: IAM users who have a permanent identity in AWS and federated users who don’t have permanent identities. Since IAM users have permanent identities associated to permissions, they can do any task associated with their permission. Since federated users do not have permanent identities, the way you control their permission is by creating a role. That does not mean you cannot associate an IAM user with a role; you can very well associate an IAM user with a role.

Using roles you can define a set of permissions to access the resources that a user or service needs, but the permissions are not attached to an IAM user or group. For example, a specific application can access S3 buckets by assuming a role. Similarly, a mobile application can access the EC2 server in the back end by assuming a role. The role can be assumed by applications or services during the execution or at runtime. Thus, an IAM role is similar to a user, in that it is an AWS identity with permission policies that determine what the identity can and cannot do in AWS. However, instead of being uniquely associated with one person, a role is intended to be assumable by anyone who needs it. Since a role doesn’t have any credentials (password or access keys) associated with it, when a user is assigned a role or when an application assumes a role, the access keys or security credentials are created dynamically by AWS during runtime and are provided to the user or application. The advantage of this is that you don’t have to share the long-term security credentials to the application that requires access to a particular resource. Therefore, you can say that a role is an IAM entity that defines a set of permissions for making AWS service requests.

These are some of the use cases where you would use roles:

•   To delegate access to users, applications, or services that don’t normally have access to your AWS resources

•   When you don’t want to embed AWS keys within the app

•   When you want to grant AWS access to users who already have identities defined outside of AWS (for example, corporate directories)

•   To grant access to your account to third parties (such as external auditors)

•   So that applications can use other AWS services

•   To request temporary credentials for performing certain tasks

When you create a role, you need to specify two policies. One policy governs who can assume the role (in other words, the principal ). This policy is also called the trust policy. The second policy is the permission or access policy, which defines what resources and actions the principal or who is assuming the role is allowed access to. This principal can be anyone who would be assuming the role. It can be a third-party user, an AWS service such as EC2 or DynamoDB, an identity provider, and so on. The principal can even be an IAM user from a different account; of course, it can’t be from your account.

IAM Hierarchy of Privileges

If you have to classify the AWS users into the hierarchy of privileges, it is going to follow this order, with the most powerful first and least powerful last:

•   AWS root user or the account owner This user has unrestricted access to all enabled services and resources.

•   AWS IAM user In this case, the user has limited permissions. The access is restricted by group and user policies.

•   Temporary security credentials Access is restricted by generating identities and further by policies used to generate tokens.

IAM Best Practices

The following are some best practices for using IAM.

Use the IAM User

Immediately after creating the AWS account, create an IAM user for yourself and assign admin privileges. Lock down your root user. Never use the root user’s access key for any programmatic requests to AWS. Create individual IAM users for anyone who needs access to your AWS account.

Create a Strong Password Policy

Set a strong password policy and make sure the password expires after 90 days. Make sure the password has at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one symbol, and one number; it should be a minimum of eight to ten characters.

Rotate Security Credentials Regularly

Use the Access Key Last Used to identify and deactivate credentials that have been unused in 90 or more days. Enable credential rotation for IAM users. Use the Credential Report to audit credential rotation.

Enable MFA

Enable MFA for root and critical accounts with superuser privileges. MFA provides an additional layer of protection, and using it will make sure your account is protected.

Manage Permissions with Groups

Instead of assigning permissions to individual users, create groups that relate to job functions and attach policies to groups. The biggest advantage of this is that it reduces the complexity of access management as the number of users grows. It also reduces the opportunity for a user to accidentally get excessive access. It is an easy way to reassign permissions based on a change in responsibility and to update permissions for multiple users.

Grant the Least Privileges

It is important to use the principle of least privilege for managing the users. Always start with a minimum set of permissions and grant additional permissions only as necessary. This minimizes the chances of accidentally performing privileged actions. Since it is easier to relax than to tighten up, you can always add privileges as and when needed.

Use IAM Roles

You should always use IAM roles to delegate cross-account access, to delegate access within an account, and to provide access for federated users. If you use roles, then there is no need to share security credentials or store long-term credentials, and you have a clear idea of and have control over who has what access.

Use IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 Instances

If you have an application that runs on an Amazon EC2 instance and it needs to access other AWS services, you need to assign the application credentials. The best way to provide credentials to an application running on an EC2 instance is by using IAM roles.

Use IAM Policy Conditions for Extra Security

IAM policies allow access to a resource, but by using policy conditions, you can set up finer-grained conditions for the access. For example, using policy conditions, you can provide access on a particular day and time from a specified IP address.

Enable AWS CloudTrail

It is important that you have the ability to audit in your AWS ecosystem. You must ensure that AWS CloudTrail is enabled in all regions and that the AWS CloudTrail log file validation is enabled. It is also important to make sure that the Amazon S3 bucket of CloudTrail logs is not publicly accessible.


TIP    As a solutions architect, you should use these best practices on a day-to-day basis and not just for exam preparation.

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