Interaction of sound wave and medium

Interaction of sound wave and medium

SOUND INTERACTS WITH MEDIA in many different ways. When a sound wave strikes a wall, there is usually more than one phenomenon occurring to it. This means the energy is distributed in different ways: part of the energy might bounce back (reflection), part of the energy might go through (transmission), and part of the energy yet might be lost inside the material and converted to heat (absorption) (Figure 2.1).


2.1  Incident wave’s energy is being distributed between reflection, transmission, and absorption phenomena

REFLECTION OCCURS WHEN A SOUND WAVE striking an obstacle is redirected back to the space it came from in a specular manner, which is the way mirrors reflect light. The angle of incidence is the same as the angle of reflection (Figure 2.2).


2.2  Angle of sound entering is equal to angle of sound exiting when panel is two to four times the size of the sound wave acting upon it

In order for a wall to reflect sound, it needs to be dense, smooth, flat, and large. If one or more of these characteristics is missing, then there will be other phenomena occurring to the wave. The obstacle in the path of the wave needs to be dense in order to avoid the transmission of energy through it; it needs to be smooth in order to avoid the diffusion of energy in all directions; and it needs to be flat so the energy won’t be either diffused or focalized and it needs to be large in order to avoid diffraction of the wave. This last characteristic is relative to frequency, which means the obstacle should be larger than the wavelength of the frequency it intends to reflect. The best way to understand the relationship between the wavelength and the ability of an obstacle to affect that wave is to imagine sound as water. If you want to stop the flow of a trickle of water you might use your hands. If you want to stop a small stream, maybe you’ll have to use some small trees like a beaver would do. But if you try stopping the flow of the Amazon River with your hands or a small tree, it will just flow around you as if nothing was in its way.

2.1.1 Focalization

A very specific case of reflection of sound is when a large concave wall or ceiling is made of a reflective material. We know that for a specular reflection of sound the reflecting wall needs to be flat, and that a convex wall will diffuse the sound energy in multiple directions. When sound strikes a concave wall, the opposite occurs: a focal point exists where all reflections of sound are concentrated. In Figure 2.3 a semicircle room was simulated and reflections of sound can be seen arriving at a focal point. In this case, the curved wall is actually simulated as a sequence of straight walls so the focal point is somewhat larger than for a true circular shape.


2.3  Focalization of sound reflections due to a concave wall (simulation created using the software EASE)


2.4  Concave ceilings

The use of concave walls is not necessarily something that needs to be avoided as long as this phenomenon is taken into account. A very flat curve on a ceiling could be used positioning the focal point outside and far from the listening space (Figure 2.4). The opposite is also true: a very small radius curve can be used if the focal point is not located in the intended audience area.

DIFFRACTION OCCURS WHEN A SOUND WAVE changes direction due to a change of medium, or an obstacle of a similar size to the wavelength. This phenomenon is very important in the design of noise barriers. The noise shadow area created by the barrier would not be the same as the shadow created by light hitting it. Due to the larger wavelength of sound, it will actually bend around the barrier and continue to travel (Figure 2.5).


2.5  Diffraction of noise around a barrier

WHEN A SOUND WAVE STRIKES A WALL that is not smooth or flat, then the incident energy won’t be reflected specularly. This means that the energy will instead be scattered in multiple directions. Scattering can occur on a very specific diffusion pattern if the surface is convex or mathematically designed, or randomly if the surface has a texture in its material or construction (Figure 2.6).


2.6  Sound wave scattered in multiple directions due to a convex surface

SOUND TRANSMISSION THROUGH A STRUCTURE is the passage of the sound pressure wave from the air, into the structure, through the structure and then out the other side. During this process some of the sound pressure is reflected back into the room while some is lost within the structure of the wall (Figure 2.7).


2.7  Basic sound transmission

If a 60 dB sound strikes a wall and 20 dB are measured on the other side of the partition, we say that the wall has 40 dB of transmission loss. This number, as you might have guessed, is different at every frequency. Eq. A.12 details how sound transmission is calculated. Low frequency noise pushes the whole structure causing the sound pressure wave to be transmitted by the surface of the wall or floor. At higher frequencies, sound can also find transmission paths through structural connections or by causing components or sections of the partition to resonate or vibrate. Finally sound will also transmit through small gaps or voids within the structure or through weaker flanking elements such as adjoining walls or service runs.

All of these frequencies are transmitted at the same time, so that a partition or a panel will be vibrating at different frequencies and in different planes. One way to visualize what is happening is to think of the surface of the sea on a stormy day. The swell of the sea, the slow rise and fall, is like the low frequency sound waves with the smaller choppy surface waves and ripples akin to the mid and higher frequency respectively.

2.4.1 Basic mechanisms for controlling sound transmission

There are eight key factors in the reduction of sound through a building structure:

image  stiffness

image  resonance

image  isolation

image  mass

image  absorption

image  critical frequency

image  completeness

image  flanking transmission.

Stiffness of a structure The stiffness of a partition particularly affects sound transmission at low frequencies. Stiff materials will naturally resist any force against it, such as a sound wave, and the greater the stiffness or rigidity, the better a material will be at reducing the transmission of lower frequency sound.

Cast in-situ concrete decks can provide very high levels of acoustic insulation between floors despite the apparently slim section of concrete slab. The profiles, while adding mass to the structure, also act as stiffeners to the floor structure and so performance levels are better than may be expected from a simple thin slab of a similar thickness (Figure 2.8). Increased dwangs/noggins or strutting/blocking in a timber floor help improve the stiffness of a floor. Similarly timber floors with heavy deafening or pugging also help to improve stiffness in the floor as well as mass.

Resonance The beneficial effects of stiffness are limited. One of the first limiting factors is that all materials have a natural resonance frequency. A frequency at which a material or structure stops acting like a stiff element and starts to naturally vibrate, similar to the natural ring of a bell when struck.

As the sound wave pushes against the surface of a material, there are frequencies at which it is easier for the sound wave to excite the surface of the material. This is similar to the effect you would get when pushing a child on a swing. There is a “sweet spot” where you no longer have to exert any great amount of energy to keep the swing in motion. The destruction of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge or the Wobbly Millennium Bridge in London are extreme examples of what happens when a structure is excited at its natural or resonance frequency.

With wall and floor structures, the more similarity there is in the structure the easier it is for resonance to occur, e.g., solid homogenous walls. Therefore it can be beneficial to the sound insulation of a structure if symmetry in the construction can be avoided, e.g., lining one side of a brick wall with a metal stud and plasterboard.

Where the benefits of stiffness give way to resonance effects, there is a drop in acoustic performance. This may to occur outside the 100 Hz to 3150 Hz frequency range over which sound insulation is commonly measured; however, it has an effect on the overall performance, as it can effectively lower the starting point at which the structure starts to recover. The closer this occurs to the 100 Hz frequency, the greater the effect it will have on the acoustic performance.

Figure 2.9 shows the expected resonance dip from a double-thick brick wall and a twin-leaf-thick brick wall. In both instances the amount of material used is the same, two layers of brick, but the wall with the cavity has a lower resonance frequency and so the dip occurs at a lower frequency along the X axis. This is as a result of isolation creating a mass-spring-mass effect, where the cavity acts like a spring layer dampening the forced transmission of sound from one leaf to the next. If the two lines were laid on top of each other, they would describe the same path, but because of that lower dip in performance the twin-leaf wall gains improvement across the higher frequency range. We have simply moved the resonance frequency back by introducing the cavity.


2.8  Profiles in concrete decks or heavy mass materials between joists improve stiffness


2.9  Resonance dip of two walls with the same mass but different constructions

These constructions also benefit physical isolation, with the thickness and mass of each wall system dictating performance as shown in Eq. A.14.

Isolation of a structure Isolation is the primary means by which twin-leaf partitions, suspended ceiling systems, and floating floors improve the acoustic performance of a wall or floor. Figure 2.10 provides an outline of how the isolation of a solid wall with the application of a free standing partition can improve sound insulation.

Isolation is particularly important for the acoustic insulation of floors against impact sound. Impact resistant mats, isolated floor battens, and floating floor systems all help to isolate a structure from impact sound. They will also have an effect on the transmission of airborne sound, as will twin-stud or twin-leaf wall systems, or independent ceiling or wall lining systems. Finally, the more materials sound has to transmit though, the more energy is lost and so isolation helps with this process by adding different materials and creating cavities in a floor or wall structure.

1  No isolation allows for the lower frequency sound to directly interact with the wall. Here, the natural resonance of a partition is the driving factor.

2  Introducing an isolation layer creates the mass-spring-mass effect.

3  As we move up the frequency range, the wavelength of the sound gets shorter and so, instead of being able to force the whole partition into motion, the sound finds paths through the structure.

4  By separating (or isolating) the different elements of the structure, we break the structural paths that allow for sound transmission at mid- to high frequencies.

(see Figure 2.10)

Mass of a structure The more mass a material or structure has, the more difficulty the sound pressure wave has in forcing it into vibration. For most materials mass is the defining factor in acoustic transmission performance. For every doubling of mass in a structure or material, we should see a 6 dB improvement in acoustic insulation. However, this will only be noticed at the mass-controlled frequencies. This normally occurs at the mid-range of frequencies and can be calculated using the mass law Eq. A.15.

The reason why some single-leaf brick walls can provide similar levels of acoustic insulation to a metal or timber stud partition with multiple linings is the substitution of isolation (e.g., the isolation of the two plasterboard layers by the frame) for increased mass (the inherent mass of the brick or block work).


2.10  Isolation

Absorption within a structure Within a structure, absorption occurs (to some extent) within the materials, but also within any cavity. Adding absorptive materials to the cavities within a partition, we can improve the effects of absorption within the cavity by placing a material that is more efficient at absorbing sound than just air. This is normally achieved by adding porous materials such as mineral fiber, glass fiber, open cell foams, or even natural fibrous materials (e.g., sheep’s wool). As a general rule, materials with a density of 0.62–2.25 lb/ft3 (10–36 kg/m3) are best at absorbing sound in a partition cavity. The inclusion of such materials can improve the acoustic insulation of a partition by 3–6 dB. The principles of absorption within a cavity are the same as the principles for absorption within a space and further detail on absorption can be found in Section 2.5.


2.11  Critical frequency or the coincidence effect where grazing sound waves coincided with the surface waves on a panel

Critical frequency The critical frequency is also known as the coincidence effect. The coincidence effect occurs when the length of a sound wave grazing against the surface of a material coincides with the natural bending waves on the surface of a panel. Effectively the speed of the sound through the air does not have to slow down when it passes through the material and so the material becomes acoustically transparent, as shown in Figure 2.11.

This is seen as a dip or leveling out in performance at frequencies above the mass controlled region. The thicker a material, the lower the critical frequency becomes and the more likely it will occur within the frequencies of interest for sound insulation. They are normally easy to distinguish in lightweight plasterboard partitions, as they tend to occur at around 2000 Hz, which is around the critical frequency for plasterboard. Using double layers of plasterboard that have differing thickness and mass can help reduce this effect, as can avoiding symmetry in a wall system. The critical frequency can be calculated using Eq. A.16.

Completeness of a structure Without a complete structure, sound can leak through any gaps or holes in the same way that water would leak through the cracks in a dam. In addition to gaps or holes in constructions, incompleteness of a structure or weaknesses in a structure will also have a similar effect. Common reasons for poor sound insulation from incomplete structures are:

image  lack of architectural detailing for wall heads or service penetrations

image  failing to instruct which contractor is responsible for detailing of wall heads and service penetrations

image  missing materials within a wall or floor structure, such as failing to place absorptive layers within cavities or the coring out of screeds and mass elements for services

image  poor workmanship.

Flanking sound affecting a structure Sound always takes the path of least resistance. Flanking sound transmission relates to noise that is transmitted into an adjoining room or space but which does not come directly through the separating partition. It is possible for there to be at least 12 possible flanking transmission paths between two rooms separated by a simple wall construction (flanking via the side walls, floor, and ceiling). Direct sound is controlled by the wall (Figure 2.12, item 1), while the surrounding structure controls flanking (Figure 2.12, items 2) either directly through flanking structures or even through flanking structures and back into the separating wall.

1  Direct sound transmission.

2  Flanking paths for a simple separating wall.

(see Figure 2.12)

Flanking transmission paths can be controlled by ensuring that the separating wall or floor is built into the flanking walls (e.g., build block work separating walls or pre-cast concrete slabs so they break the flanking wall) or line flanking walls with isolated frames, such as is common in timber kit constructions (Figure 2.13).

1  Untreated flanking wall allows for transmission of sound.

2  Separating wall is built into flanking wall to help reduce the structural transmission path. It can be fully built in or toothed in block work coursings. Fully built, it is more effective.

3  Independent linings either side of the separating wall help to control flanking transmission.

(see Figure 2.13, page 26)

Note: The higher the performance requirement of the partition, the greater level of flanking detail is required.

Flanking transmission can be a particular problem with masonry-supported timber floors where there is a strong structural connection between rooms due to continuous masonry walls running up through a building. It is generally recommended that such constructions are avoided for floors where performance levels of above STC/Rw 55 dB are required.


2.12  Flanking transmission paths


2.13  Methods of controlling flanking sound transmission

2.4.2 The difference between and plasterboard stud partitions

Block work or concrete walls or floors depend on structural mass for good acoustics and tend to provide good insulation at low frequencies. Good performance can also be achieved at high frequencies if the partition is well sealed (e.g., parge coats on block work walls or cast in-situ concrete slabs). These structures tend to have very rigid connections, so isolation for impact sound should always be considered for concrete floors, although soft floor coverings can often provide more than enough control.

Timber separating floors/walls or metal stud partitions depend on isolation of the structural elements for their performance. They tend to have poorer levels of performance at low frequencies and the only way to reduce this effect is to provide larger cavities between linings (i.e., deeper wall and floor sections). They tend to provide good levels of sound insulation at higher frequencies, due to the inherent separation of the flanking structure and the overall completeness of the partition type. With good isolation detailing, timber floor structures can provide good performance against impact sound. The presence of open cavities within the structure should also be seen as an opportunity to introduce acoustically absorptive layers to help further reduce sound transmission.

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