Orsman Road, London, UK


FIG 21.0 (chapter opener) This simple hybrid form of CLT slabs running above a steel frame optimizes the material’s use to create flexible, characterful volumes.

FIG 21.0 (chapter opener) This simple hybrid form of CLT slabs running above a steel frame optimizes the material’s use to create flexible, characterful volumes.

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Jul 18, 2021 | Posted by in Building and Construction | Comments Off on Orsman Road, London, UK
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Project name: 6 Orsman Road
Location (including county): Hackney, London, UK
Sector/type: Commercial/Office building
Year completed: Base build: 2019, fit-out: 2020
Area of building (GIA): 4,678 m2
Volume of CLT used (m3): 830 m3
Approximate total construction cost (million): Base build: £9.0
Total height of building: 20 m
Client(s): Base build: Boultbee Brooks Real Estate Fit-out: Storey/British Land
Architect: Waugh Thistleton Architects
Main contractor: Base build: RFM Construction Management Fit out: Parkeray
QS: Base build: RFM Construction Management Fit-out: Alinea Consulting
Structural engineers: GDC Partnership
Timber engineer: Engenuiti
CLT contractor: B&K Structures