Street Church Academy, Huntingdon, UK


FIG 19.0 (chapter opener) CLT panels are exposed throughout this new school and form protective soffits externally (in turn, protected from weather and moisture).

FIG 19.0 (chapter opener) CLT panels are exposed throughout this new school and form protective soffits externally (in turn, protected from weather and moisture).

Project name: Ermine Street Church Academy
Location (including local authority): Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK
Sector/type: Education; new build nursery and junior school
Year completed: 2016
Area of building (GIA): c.3,000m2
Volume of CLT (m3): 1,500m3
Overall construction cost (million): £7.8
Total height of building: Up to 10m (single storey)
Client(s): Morgan Sindall/Cambridgeshire County Council
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris Architects
Main contractor: Morgan Sindall
QS: Morgan Sindall
Structural engineers: Peter Dann Engineers
Timber engineer: Ramboll
CLT contractor: KLH UK
CLT manufacturer: KLH Massivholz

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