

FIG 16.0 (chapter opener) Interior and exterior forms and volumes are defined throughout by CLT planes exploiting the structural and visual properties of large format panels.

FIG 16.0 (chapter opener) Interior and exterior forms and volumes are defined throughout by CLT planes exploiting the structural and visual properties of large format panels.

Project name: Haus Gables
Location (including local authority): Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Sector/type: Residential (single family house)
Year completed: 2019
Area of building (GIA): 204m2
Volume of CLT (m3): Undisclosed
Overall construction cost (million): Undisclosed
Total height of building: 10.1m
Client(s): Volkan Alkanoglu & Jennifer Bonner
Architect: Jennifer Bonner, MALL
Main contractor: Principle Builders Group
QS: Undisclosed
Structural engineers: AKT II; Bensonwood; PEC Structural; Fire Tower
Timber engineer: As structural
CLT contractor: Terry Ducatt (installation specialist)
CLT manufacturer: KLH Massivholz, via KLH USA

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Jul 18, 2021 | Posted by in Building and Construction | Comments Off on Studies
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