Transit Oriented Development



Transit oriented development (TOD) has overlapping goals with New Urbanism. However, transit oriented development is more focused on how the transit system relates to the development. The guidelines call for commercial and employment uses located near the transit stop, so that the rider gets off the light rail in a town center. The residential development around the town center needs to have enough density to support the town center and the transit stop. The average density is 18 units to the acre made up of a mix of 26, 16, and 10 dwelling units per acre with the higher density near the commercial core. All of this is located within a 10 minute walk to the transit stop (Figure 30.1). It is envisioned that there is a range of TODs with the more urban TODs along the main transit line with a relatively large commercial core, down to neighborhood TODs with a smaller commercial core and a higher percentage of residential development. The neighborhood TODs would be located on feeder transit lines. The TODs are a high density area, so public parks are a necessary part of the mix. Small and medium size parks need to be sprinkled around the development. The urban core should have civic buildings. Secondary areas, extending out about one mile from the commercial core of the TOD, contain mostly single family houses. This additional population helps support the commercial development and the transit stop (Calthorpe 1993, 56–61). The TOD, at 20 units per acre, has about 2,800 households. The secondary area, at 10 units per acre, has about 20,000 households.

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Aug 14, 2021 | Posted by in General Engineering | Comments Off on Transit Oriented Development
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